ROCAMBOLE brings together, in an evocative telescoping, the practices of six artists selected according to a principle of elective affinities. The works of Beatrice CELLI, Camille CHASTANG, Delphine DÉNÉRÉAZ, Daniele GENADRY, Basile GHOSN and Tatiana WOLSKA mix to form new combinations within the Hotel La Vague, responsible for the hospitality of a shared space and time.
While silhouettes inhabit the establishment, coming and going between its walls and gardens, going about their leisurely business or ensuring its feasibility through their services, paintings, assemblages, wall drawings, sculptures and collages witness this ballet of figures from their privileged observation posts.
Opening up new perspectives, escapes, architectures, landscapes, viewpoints and horizons, in a “journey around the hotel” where plant motifs and wildlife presences respond to each other, the ROCAMBOLE exhibition transfigures the experience of a site and encourages us to take a special time: that of looking.
On a proposal by Claire Migraine, with the collaboration of Pavlos Ioannides. •